Bioidentical DHEA in liquid form

DHEA (30 ml)


Boost vitality and curb the aging process with plant-derived bioidentical DHEA. BioMatrix’ liquid formula provides the most effective oral delivery method available. †

  • Defend against age-related decline in DHEA, which lies at the heart of adrenal fatigue and a myriad of health problems
  • Strengthen the body’s stress response and promote anti-aging hormones
  • Increase mental and physical energy and enhance fat-burning, while supporting lean muscle mass and libido
  • Contains micronized oral DHEA extracted from Diosgenin (wild yam), for maximum absorption and precision dosing

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Boost Your DHEA Levels

Aging leads to the natural decline of many essential hormones, including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). As the most abundant circulating hormone in the body, DHEA is responsible for more than 150 metabolic functions, involved in circulatory and immune health, body weight and lean muscle mass, libido, mood, and numerous other critical process.

Its role as a counterbalance to the hormone cortisol is at the core of vitality and resistance to illness. Through supplementation of DHEA, as well as other hormone-therapy substances such as pregnenolone and licorice root extract, many symptoms of ill health can be avoided, and vitality restored. DHEA is equally important in men and women, as it plays roles that transcend sex hormone functions.

Bioidentical DHEA

DHEA supplementation can greatly improve your immediate wellness, as well as long-term health, by providing a hormone that you cannot obtain from food or natural metabolic processes. Improve focus, energy, sex drive, bone strength, skin conditions, heart health, and much more. †

The BioMatrix DHEA Advantage

BioMatrix DHEA is derived from an extraction of the steroidal backbone of the Diosgenin yam (Dioscorea villosa). Once ingested, the body cannot tell the difference because this exogenous form of DHEA – and the one it produces endogenously – are molecularly identical. BioMatrix liquid DHEA has an absorption rate significantly higher than pill or tablet forms.

With BioMatrix DHEA, the ability to deliver precise dosages is unparalleled. With 1.2 mg of DHEA per drop, it is easy to manage the number of drops and enjoy tremendous flexibility in your maintenance or intervention therapies. And there is no mystery as to whether or not you are absorbing the active ingredients. It happens almost instantly, in the mouth. †

The Formula: Purpose

  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) – Known as the “youth hormone,” DHEA targets hundreds of chemical processes throughout your body. In supporting the resilience and balance of your HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis – which regulates your body’s stress response – DHEA supports hormone metabolism, muscle mass, bone health, libido, mood, and cognitive performance.
  • Glycerin – To preserve the DHEA’s integrity and maximize potency through its antimicrobial properties. The glycerin is sourced from sustainable palm oil
  • Alcohol – To act as a base carrier for the DHEA so that it can be efficiently delivered through the oral cavity’s barrier.


How do I take this product?

While BioMatrix cannot instruct customers how to use these products due to FDA regulations, DHEA is designed to be taken orally. Keep the product in your mouth as long as possible. If sensitive to alcohol, put the drops in a spoon with some olive or coconut oil (or similar), and swish around in your mouth.

What is the Alcohol content?

About 86%

How many drops per bottle?

Approximately 1,000

Can I take DHEA, Pregnenolone, and Licorice Root at the same time, or is there supposed to be a time-lapse in between?

We recommend taking liquids a few minutes apart.

What is the alcohol derived from?

Corn, however, there is no corn antigen. In the production of alcohol, the starch fraction of the grain is converted to fermentable sugar. The fermentable sugar is in turn converted to alcohol. The alcohol is further purified through distillation. Proteins and other grain derivatives are separated and removed from the Ethyl Alcohol.

What is the glycerin derived from?

Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO)

Science-Based Ingredients

Produced by your adrenal glands, DHEA is heavily involved in numerous critical bodily processes. One of the main roles of DHEA is to produce testosterone and estrogen, which maintain our strength, reproductive health, and libido as we age. DHEA also stimulates the creation of nitric oxide, which supports cardiovascular health by enhancing oxygenation and blood flow. By improving blood flow and supporting muscle mass, DHEA also promotes exercise performance. To augment these beneficial cardiovascular effects, DHEA helps to balance energy levels by targeting insulin spikes and stimulating the fat-burning process. Unfortunately, research suggests that your DHEA levels peak in your 20’s and significantly decline thereafter [1].

However, there is plenty of research to suggest that DHEA supplementation may support your overall health. One study found that individuals who supplemented with DHEA experienced normalized androgen levels, including testosterone and androstenedione [2]. Studies show that individuals who augmented exercise with DHEA supplementation experienced increased muscle mass and levels of insulin-like growth factor, which supports muscle growth [3]. Regarding bone strength, multiple studies have found that when younger and older women supplemented with DHEA, they experienced significantly improved bone mineral density, which reduces the risk of fractures [4,5]. Research shows that DHEA supports immunity by beneficially targeting B-cells, T-cells, and inflammatory markers [6]. DHEA also plays a significant role in cognitive health. Studies show that DHEA supports the reduction of fatigue, tension, negative mood, and anxiety while improving positive mood symptoms [7]. Additionally, supplementing with DHEA may support working memory by targeting cortisol-induced distraction [8].


  1. El-Sakka AI. Dehydroepiandrosterone and Erectile Function: A Review. World J Mens Health. 2018;36(3):183-191. doi:10.5534/wjmh.180005
  2. Gebre-Medhin G, Husebye ES, Mallmin H, et al. Oral dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) replacement therapy in women with Addison’s disease. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2000;52(6):775-780. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2265.2000.01017.x
  3. Villareal DT, Holloszy JO. DHEA enhances effects of weight training on muscle mass and strength in elderly women and men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006;291(5):E1003-E1008. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00100.2006
  4. Gordon CM, Grace E, Emans SJ, et al. Effects of oral dehydroepiandrosterone on bone density in young women with anorexia nervosa: a randomized trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(11):4935-4941. doi:10.1210/jc.2002-020545
  5. Villareal DT, Holloszy JO, Kohrt WM. Effects of DHEA replacement on bone mineral density and body composition in elderly women and men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2000;53(5):561-568. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2265.2000.01131.x
  6. Khorram O, Vu L, Yen SS. Activation of immune function by dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in age-advanced men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 1997;52(1):M1-M7. doi:10.1093/gerona/52a.1.m1
  7. Sonnenblick Y, Taler M, Bachner YG, Strous RD. Exercise, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and Mood Change: A Rationale for the “Runners High”?. Isr Med Assoc J. 2018;20(6):335-339.
  8. Vale S, Selinger L, Martins JM, et al. The relationship between dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), working memory and distraction–a behavioral and electrophysiological approach. PLoS One. 2014;9(8):e104869. Published 2014 Aug 8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104869


In order to deliver these nutrients to create benefits, there must be efficient absorption into the cells.


Our formulas contain ingredients and co-factors which support the ability of nutrients to do work quickly.


We use botanically sourced ingredients whenever possible, to provide your body with nature’s simplicity and efficacy.